Since the Supreme Court announced its ruling on abortion, once again making it a state issue, the Democrats paraded in the streets, suggesting that their rights were being stripped from them. While each state must make a decision on the topic of abortion, with some making it legal and others making it illegal, there has been a growing debate surrounding those who are pro-life. Many Christians voiced their disdain for a woman having the right to end a pregnancy, ultimately killing the fetus. While Christians use their faith as a compass, MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough recently suggested that some Christians are “perverting the gospel” to promote their own agenda. And if that wasn’t interesting enough, he also claimed Jesus Christ never had an opinion on abortion. 

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During their panel discussion on the Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough shocked viewers when he decided to accuse Christians of “miscommunicating with God”. While an interesting stance to take, the host continued, “As a Southern Baptist, I grew up reading the Bible, maybe backslidden Baptist, but I still know the Bible. Jesus never once talked about abortion, never once and it was happening back in ancient times, it was happening back in his time. Never once mentioned it and for people perverting the gospel of Jesus Christ down to one issue, it’s heresy.”  

Continuing his criticism of pro-life Christians, the host accused the group of overlooking the Bible when it came to forcing children to carry a child after being raped. Joe Scarborough referenced a 10-year-old Ohio girl who had to travel to Indiana after the state refused to grant her an abortion. 

Doubling down on his statements, Joe Scarborough concluded, “If you don’t believe me, if that makes you angry, why don’t you do something you haven’t done in a long time. Open the Bible, open the New Testament, read the red letters. You won’t see it there. And yet there are people who are using Jesus as a shield to make 10-year-old raped girls go through a living and breathing hell here on Earth. They’ve also conveniently overlooked the parts of the New Testament where Jesus talks about taking care of the needy. Taking care of [the] helpless, who live a hopeless life. Because they believe, these state legislatures believe, that life begins at fertilization and ends at childbirth.”

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For those wondering, the Catholic Church teaches that the act of abortion is both “gravely wrong” and a “moral evil”. The Southern Baptist Convention in 1996 confirmed that any abortion that is requested is “wrong” as the religion views all life precious. 

Users online voiced their opinions, writing, “Jesus never mentions wife beating either.  Nor does he ever discuss child porn, molestation or public nudity.  Are these things then ok?”  

This piece was written by Jeremy Porter on September 9, 2022. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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