On Sunday, as millions of Americans gathered around their televisions to watch the first weekend of the NFL, they also honored those lives lost on 9/11. It has been over 20 years since terrorists flew two planes into the World Trade Centers and another one into the Pentagon. While ground zero is no longer a place of rubble and debris. The Freedom Tower looms over the city, always paying tribute to those innocent lives. Appearing on CNN to discuss the impact and memory of 9/11, former Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton decided to use the moment to criticize the GOP and use words like extremism. 

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In the video, which can be watched below, Hillary Clinton admitted that Americans are still dealing with extremism today. “We have also, I think, been reminded about how important it is to try to deal with extremism of any kind, especially when it uses violence to try to achieve political and ideological goals. So I’m one who thinks that there are lessons still to be learned from what happened to us on 9/11 that we should be very aware of during this time in our country and the world’s history.” 

Hillary Clinton continued her statement, recalling how both Democrats and Republicans backed former President George Bush when it came to rebuilding New York. “I give President Biden a lot of credit for trying to continue to reach out to people while still sounding the alarm about the threats to our democracy. I remember very well, two days after I gave that interview, being in the Oval Office with then-President Bush, who asked me what we needed, and I told him we needed $20 billion to rebuild New York, and he said, ‘You got it.’ And he was good to his word, and there were all kinds of political conversations about that, but he never wavered. And I wish now that people would come together behind President Biden, who is doing an amazing job trying to rebuild our manufacturing sector, trying to deal with climate change, expand health care, all the other things, including trying to do something about gun violence that the vast majority of Americans approve of.”

Again, taking a swipe at the GOP and what Joe Biden claimed to be MAGA extremists, Hillary Clinton said, “we are in a funny position, Dana because there’s a small, but very vocal, very powerful, very determined minority who wants to impose their views on all the rest of us. And it’s time for everybody, regardless of party, to say, ‘No, that’s not who we are as America.'”

Do you support individual military members being able to opt out of getting the COVID vaccine?

Other than her attacks on Republicans and the GOP, Hillary Clinton, as can be seen above, surprisingly considered House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to be on the same level as the former Queen of England. “I think Nancy Pelosi is the gutsiest woman in politics right now because she has shown through all kinds of turmoil and challenge what it means to, somewhat like the queen, to be drawing an analogy here, get up every day, put on those high heels she wears, suit up, to fight for the values and ideals that she strongly believes in.” 

This piece was written by Jeremy Porter on September 12, 2022. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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