“Steve Bannon of War Room joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the future of humanity if they keep fighting back against the globalist Great Reset collapse.” – The Alex Jones Show

“And for all of Trump’s flaws, and Trump is very flawed as you are, and I am. He’s a very imperfect instrument. But he puts you in the room and gives you a voice, not the room, not the deal Trump puts you in the room. And what you’re seeing now that they are desperate and they’re nervous, and they understand they’re losing because there’s a greater awakening going on. People, no matter how much they try to deplatform, you or War Room or all these other great podcast sites, and people doing these forums and talking to each other and interconnecting. No matter if you’re off a Twitter, you off of YouTube, you’re off of Facebook, the content is getting out, there’s a great awakening, right? And they can’t stop that. They’ve, no one’s ever been able to stop the American people when the American people in their righteous indignation, knows the direction it wants to go. Couldn’t stop us in the revolution, the Civil War, World War Two and the Great Depression, or the Cold War, unstoppable. And that’s what they fear now because they understand that the jig is up, right? On the administrative state as an apparatus, the central apparatus for the World Economic Forum, what I call the party of Davos apparatus to control everything.

Your trial would not have been a global media event, Sir, if they were not desperate to destroy certain people in this movement. They made your trial in a small court in Texas, a international global main event with massive millions of pageviews and traffic, stories on the Guardian, stories on the front page of The Times of London, all throughout the world. Why? They’re absolutely desperate, and they know what they need to do today, they need to decapitate the leadership. And that’s what they’re trying to do. And they will, they’re going to pull, and nothing is beyond these people. Nothing. Nothing is beyond these people. That’s why you always have to be on guard. And you have to keep your sense about you. And do not let them goad you into any action, which they will try to do to make sure that you cross any line that then they can jump on you and then use against you to destroy you.” – Steve Bannon

Sources referenced in the video above:

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This piece was written by Zach Heilman on August 10, 2022. It originally appeared in RedVoiceMedia.com and is used by permission.

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