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Media Obsessed With Trump, Ignore Real Issues

Conservative wit and late nite king Gregg Gutfeld calls out the left on their distraction ploy.

Gutfeld: So as we watch the news chase every Trump related story like Joy Behar hunting for clown wigs. What’s being ignored? Crime. The numbers in New York City are as staggering as the victims. Young, old, black, white, male, female. And in New York, that could all be one person.

One thing we’ve learned about liberals being in charge – violence is truly inclusive. It’s one place where diversity trumps everything, even safety. The stats are bad. Rapes are up 10%. But that doesn’t get any headlines. What does? Well, the raid on Mar-a-Lago, the January six Commission, Liz Cheney getting blown to bits like she was one of her dad’s hunting buddies.

But taken together, these Trump centric tales, they tell you a bigger story, that your concerns are not their concerns, especially crime.

Frankly, unless they can tie Trump to it, they don’t give two **** about you. Hell, they don’t even give a single **** about you. Cori Bush doesn’t worry about street crime, she bills taxpayers for private security. Eric Swalwell doesn’t worry about the price of gas, he makes his own.

Merrick Garland agonized for weeks over whether to raid Trump’s home. I know what that feels like. I did the same thing before I rifled through Bill Hemmer’s underwear drawer.

During those weeks, though, Garland didn’t agonize over a crime wave so big, even Kelly Slater wouldn’t try to ride it out. He’s a surfer. But no, 12 boxes of papers and napkins – that’s the threat to democracy. You know, maybe there’s a nuclear code in there. Yeah, right under the box of sporks behind Trump’s old ab roller.

I bet you ten bucks that what they’ll say is the nuclear code is really Trump’s Netflix password. You know, it’s the same with the January six commission, which focused all their anti-Trump obsession on one day of criminal mischief while ignoring years of violent crime that came before it.

They were King Arthur, slaying a dragon every day, every week, except their swords were pointed at us. It was all for their own emotional grandstanding and political aims and what they were missing at this expense – crime, Monkeypox, inflation, the hiring of 87,000 IRS agents. That’s one for every illegal alien that snuck across the southern border this month. Yeah. You didn’t think I forgot open borders, did you? Who do you think you’re watching? Seth **** Meyers?

Yeah, we got 87,000 new IRS agents who are now ready to shoot to kill if you claim that lap dances are a business deduction. So much for supporting single mothers.

But this week, reality paid a visit to one person who let their Trump derangement muscle out voters’ concerns. Liz Cheney, who got humiliated so badly, even her shadow, didn’t want to be seen with her.

Instead of campaigning on the issues that concern Wyoming voters like fixing the economy, reducing regulations and invading South Dakota, Cheney used her position to chase her inner demons, but instead the demons kicked her ass all over the field. And that’s a lot of kicking.

This piece was written by David Kamioner on August 19, 2022. It originally appeared in LifeZette [2] and is used by permission.

Read more at LifeZette:
McConnell Has A Fight On His Hands In The Senate [3]
Kamioner: Failed Doomsayers [4]
The Story The January 6th Committee Doesn’t Want Answers To Just Got Even More Bizarre [VIDEO] [5]