On Memorial Day we’re supposed to honor our war dead. A US Air Force veteran died on January 6th 2021 in a conflict with a Capitol Policeman with an itchy trigger finger. What was the worst part is that Ashli Babbitt was unarmed.

Lieutenant Michael Byrd shot down a young woman who wasn’t a threat to him. She was in a riot. Okay. But if that’s what gets you shot then why weren’t all those Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters from 2020 shot too?

You know why. Because Ashli Babbitt was taking part in a demonstration for President Trump. So it was okay to shoot her some people think because they didn’t like her political views.

I don’t know about you, but here in the Heartland our law men don’t go around shooting unarmed women. Babbitt had also served her land in uniform. But that didn’t matter. She was for Trump so she died. On Memorial Day we need to remember her and how she died. It’s a warning about what government will do to you if they have guns and you don’t.

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The evidence spells murder. “These previously secret records show there was no good reason to shoot and kill Ashli Babbitt,” stated Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, which obtained the documents through a May 2021 FOIA lawsuit. “The Biden-Garland Justice Department and the Pelosi Congress have much to answer for the over the mishandling and cover-up of this scandalous killing of an American citizen by the U.S. Capitol Police.”

“He (Byrd) did not see anything in the female protester’s hands prior to the gunshot,” the Capitol Police Internal Affairs Division report stated.

Byrd’s partner said, “I can’t, no matter how I tried to rack my brain, I can’t, I can’t figure out when that happened, but uh, so I don’t know if something happened to him where [sic] caused him to take the shot or not,” a written transcript states. His partner doesn’t know whether anything prompted the shot and he would know because he was right there.

His partner went described Byrd. “His eyes were red. He was, you could see he was visibly upset and he just, you know, we gotta get outta here,” the transcript of the interview says.

The official report finally concluded Byrd’s partner did not see Ms. McEntee [Babbitt] in possession of any potential weapons,” the summary report states. “He reiterated that he did not observe that she was armed.” Then why the hell was she shot?!

“His voice [was] also shaky when he called for medical assistance over the radio. Lieutenant Byrd was still very upset,” said the report . He was upset because he knew he shot an innocent unarmed woman. On Memorial Day remember this fallen vet. She died for us.

This piece was written by Jim Gunner on May 29, 2022. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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